If you are diabetic, do you know the things you should be eating, proper exercises and sleeping habits? Apply the advice in the below article in order to provide you with an extra advantage in fighting this condition.
To help make your diabetes control efforts less of a hassle, get organized and keep a constant testing routine. For instance, keep your meter, journal, and insulin in one specific place so it will be easy to access in the mornings. Keep to the same routine every time you test so you never miss a step, and you don’t have to think twice about recording your levels.
If you are in a large crowd, chances are there are many other diabetics in that crowd, too. This helps to reduce any shame or stress that accompanies the diagnosis, but it really just makes your life much easier.
Switching to a diet that is high in fiber can lower your risk of developing diabetes. Whole grains are low-GI foods, which reduces your risk of diabetes, while white foods are generally high-GI, which increases your risk. A lot of studies have shown that people who eat more whole grains are at a lower risk of diabetes developing.
If you tend to get hypoglycemic reactions, make sure you carry sugary snacks with you. Hypoglycemia attacks can happen at any time, so you need to be prepared for that. This is even more important if you skip breakfast, because your body will be craving sugar.
You can save a ton of money on prescriptions if you switch to an online pharmacy. Some websites let you set up an account and subscribe a monthly delivery system, so you always the supplies you need.
Glycemic Index
You need to be aware of all foods that have high glycemic index, which can raise the level of blood sugar quickly in your body. For example, most juices, breads, desserts, cereals, and types of pasta are high glycemic index foods. Your blood sugar is also very vulnerable, in general, to processed foods of all sorts. Fresh produce, poultry and other lean meat are foods you should focus on to keep your blood sugars more under control.
If you are expecting and suspect that you might have gestational diabetes, it is imperative that you ask your doctor to help you. If you don’t act proactively, you are putting your health, as well as the health of your child, at risk. If you do have gestational diabetes, your doctor can help you control it using both prescription medication and dietary changes.
Don’t blame yourself for being inflicted with gestational diabetes. Most of the time gestational diabetes simply happens for no apparent reason. Don’t become too stressed, and think positively of your young one and yourself.
If you suffer from diabetes and you are a smoker, you should try to quit. Smoking is really bad for those with diabetes because it has the ability to raise blood sugar dangerously high. Your doctor can help you if you are unable to quit on your own.
Unless otherwise directed by your physician, you should always take fast-acting insulin between one to fifteen minutes before you sit down to eat your meal. Fast-acting insulins can be a very effective for maintaining blood sugars, but only if they are properly dosed and timed for each individual.
If you find that hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a problem, ask your doctor if you should take glucose tablets. They are portable and small, providing an excellent way to get needed glucose into your system more quickly than consuming foods with sugar.
Smoking is dangerous for anybody, but it is even mroe problematic for diabetics. Engaging in this destructive behavior will subject you to multiple health maladies. Smoking causes insulin resistance. If you aren’t a diabetic when you start, chances are you will develop type 2 diabetes within a decade of starting to smoke.
Always make time for exercise. Exercise decreases insulin resistance, which helps your body use glucose and insulin in a more normal way. Exercise is important for the diabetic to be able to enjoy life.
Being educated about your condition will help you live with it. It can be considered a cloud of doom that resides with you at all times unless you take necessary steps to keep it in check. Use this information to eliminate that cloud.